
First – a little taste of Cuzco. 3400m.

Peru is home to 1200 varieties of potatoes

Our hotel

Heading out of Cuzco toward Manú National Park

Modern and Traditional

Our first stop was a pre-Incan burial complex. The little houses are tombs. 3750m.

The village of Paucartambo. 2900m.

They were having some kind of school ceremony.

Life in rural Peru

David Attenborough: It is all quiet in the cloud forest of the Manu National Park and the tourist pack is hungry for their first bird sighting. Watch as they strain to spot it through the thick undergrowth.

Yes, this is the main road

A dazzling array of epiphytes

The cloud forest lives up to its name

Wooly Monkey (?)

Sunrise on the Andes, the next morning. 1000m.

Following is a bunch of shitty pictures of animals from Manu National Park

Some kind of owl

Some kind of lizard

At the boat dock. One of these would take us down the Madre De Dios and then up the Manu.

Some kind of birds

Stopped at some hot springs along the way

Walking to our lodge. The river had changed course over the past season, so the boat could only drop us off a 20 minute walk away.

That night, instead of spending the night in a bed like civilized explorers, we headed deep into the jungle to spend a night on a rickety wooden platform next to a clay lick.

Our guide – Alex

Group ford

The payoff for a night of on-and-off sleep: two semi-blurry photos of two tapirs

and a frog on the walk back




Not a capybara


Macaws apparently only fly in pairs. Or threesomes. Or the really adventurous ones – in foursomes.

A hoatzin – the most awkward flying bird in the world


Okay, seriously, an ocelot. Pretty rare to see. It was puking up a hairball on the riverbank.

Squirrel monkey!

Capuchin monkey AND squirrel monkey!

A crane or an egret. An ornithologist I am not.

I always thought caymans were miniature alligators.

Nope! They grow to 3 to 6 meters. Or more. Keep your hands in the boat, folks.

Pee break!

I almost walked into this thing, the oblivious tourist that I am

Definitely keep your hands in the boat.

Not Robot Heart

Eagle v Snake. Snake won, by not getting eaten.


I really wanted to see a toucan, but this is as close as we got


The next morning we went to a nearby oxbow lake for a sunrise paddle. Many birds were seen, many crappy photos of birds were taken.

Some kind of Piper. I really like the shape.

More birds of some sort.


It was a really calm lake

All that’s missing is a pith helmet

We spent two nights at a lodge run by the Machiguenga tribe, as far as white people are allowed to venture. Even here, footballery was practiced.

And I ate a thing

We went on several walks around the lodge

Capuchin monkey!

That’s no leaf!

The nighttime jungle is full of creepy-crawlies

And astounding beauty in the beam of the headlamp

Also snakes

And cockroaches

Jaguar XJ12

The biggest trees in the rainforest are ficus trees

I love this pose

Nighttime tarantula walk. Turns out they live predominantly in palm trees.


And toads

Oh my!

The cattle of the ants. The ants feed them, and they produce some kind of secretion the ants use. The jungle is an amazing place.

Heading back, the river continues to dazzle with its color and beauty

A parting shot of the whole gang, including the boatsmen and cook

Back in civilization, a Peruvian Blockbuster

Back in the high Andes. Life at 4000m.

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